AP 206

Accessing Learning Support Services


This procedure describes how to access Learning Support Services programs and services and ensures that the process for referring students is consistent throughout the Abbotsford School District.


1. When student learning challenges interfere with optimal educational progress, students may be referred for assistance through Learning Support Services. In all situations, parents/guardians are to be involved in the decision-making process. The Director of Learning Support Services will monitor the referral process, in consultation with the appropriate staff. These steps are to be followed:

  • 1.1 The student’s parents or guardians will be informed of the classroom teacher’s initial concerns and will be asked to provide input into the educational plan or participate as part of the student’s planning team.
  • 1.2 Parents/Guardians must be notified when their child is being referred to the School Based Team.
  • 1.3 The School Based Team shall meet to discuss the supports or services that can best meet the student’s needs.  A summary of the meeting shall be shared with the parents/guardians. 
  • 1.4 When deemed necessary, the School Based Team will submit referrals to the appropriate school/district staff. Signed parental/guardian consent is required as part of the referral. Referrals for district services must be made using the Referral for Learning Support Services form.
  • 1.5 Additional information may be required for referral to certain programs. Some services can only be accessed through Learning Support Services at the district level, determined through a screening process.
  • 1.6 District Learning Support Service personnel are available to assist schools with the referral process.
  • 1.7 If the decision of the School Based Team is to not refer a student for additional services, parents or guardians may appeal the decision of the Director of Learning Support Services.

2. The range of learning support services includes: 

  • 2.1 School Based Services 
    • Learning Assistance 
    • Youth Care Worker (middle secondary, and some elementary)
    • Counsellor (middle and secondary) 
  • 2.2 District Services
    • Speech and Language Pathologist 
    • School Psychologist 
    • Itinerant Youth Care Worker (elementary) 
    • Itinerant Counsellor (elementary) 
    • LSS Helping Teachers (general, vision, hearing) 
    • Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
    • Teacher of the Visually Impaired 
    • Orientation & Mobility Specialist
    • Mental Health Clinicians
  • 2.3 District Programs (screening process for entry to program)
    • Resource Rooms (middle, secondary)
    • Community Access Program
    • Hospital Homebound
    • Intensive Intervention for Inclusion
    • District Inclusion Support Team
  • 2.4 Additional Services (accessed through LSS Helping Teachers)
    • Occupational Therapy
    • Physical Therapy
    • SET-BC – Special Education Technology - BC
    • POPARD – Provincial Outreach Program for Autism and Related Disorders
    • POPDB – Provincial Outreach Program for Deaf-Blindness
    • POPDHH – Provincial Outreach Program for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
    • PIOP – Provincial Inclusion Outreach Program
    • ADTP – Adolescent Day Treatment Program


Staff may refer to the Learning Support Services SharePoint for additional information on services, programs, and referral processes and requirements.  

(Last Revised: June 2024)
